Tuesday, January 30, 2007

No Mo' Yellow

Good news for the blog, everyone. Lily has been given the "all clear" on the Jaundice front. We had her bilirubin count taken yesterday at 8:30am at the hospital, and we were at the pediatrician's office by 9:00am for her first doctor's appointment. The nurse at the hospital was great, and Lily bled well and was out the door in about ten minutes flat. Then, at Dr. Boe's office, she was given high marks for her shrunken head (what I mean is, the lump on the back of her head had gotten smaller). The doctor said everything looked great, her weight was good, and the results of her blood test were encouraging. She had gone from a 14.1 the day before to a 12.6 on the Jaundice-O-Meter, and this meant we could return the phototherapy contraption and go about our business. We were relieved, of course, and we spent all of yesterday lounging around and marveling at our newly non-yellow baby. We have decided that she really is great. I mean, all parents think that their kids are great, but we really think that she's great. She's smart, caring, funny, and so down-to-earth that it's hard not to be impressed with her.

Okay. At least she's not yellow. We'll start working on the other stuff.

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