Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Braxton Hicks

We had our second birthing class with Jennifer last night, and we learned about all the stages of labor and the different contractions that go along with them. She asked me if I had any Braxton Hicks contractions (a.k.a. false contractions) yet. I told her I didn't think so, but I wasn't sure because I didn't know what they felt like. She explained that during one of these contractions my tummy would get really hard and knotted--but not in a painful way--and then relax. It occurred to me that I actually had felt this before, but I had always believed it to be Lily just coming up to the surface of my belly. It is nice to know now what I am looking for and to have an idea of what the real contractions will feel like. So far the ones I have had don't hurt and mostly just take my breath away for a split second and make my belly feel really heavy. I even had one during our lesson last night and asked Jennifer to feel it to confirm. Pretty cool stuff! In addition to the stages of labor, we learned about different coping techniques, including massage, focusing, and visualization. After Jeff found a massage technique he was comfortable with, we moved on to thinking about helping me cope, too (just kidding)! Jennifer tried to illustrate for Jeff all the possible moods and emotions I may or may not have throughout the labor process, which ended up being pretty humorous. She said that some women are loud and hate their husbands and don't want to be touched, while others are weepy and emotional, and some are a mixture of everything rolled into a rollercoaster of emotions. While Jeff and I can see me reacting in any and all of those ways, it will be very interesting to see how I really handle the whole thing. I hope I can surprise him and hold it together and be really strong, but neither of us are holding are breath for that one. Thanks goodness we learned how I can help Jeff cope!

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