Monday, November 20, 2006

30 week check-up

This morning Jeff and I went in for my 30-week appointment and sonogram. Lily is getting bigger! The nurse said everything still looked great, and we got to see her little face again. She even blew us a kiss. She was positioned on her side with her head down, her bottom up, and her hands and feet all together on my side, which confirmed why I was having so much side pain last night and this morning. What a stinker. Everything looked to be functioning properly, and we were even able to see the lens of her eye and some hair on the back of her head. Technology is so amazing! The sonogram showed me to be right on target for my due date and projected her birth weight to be between 7 1/2 and 8 1/2 pounds. After the sonogram we met with Dr. Thorton, and she said that I was looking good and that I seem to be in great health. We have been very lucky with how smooth this pregnancy has been to this point...knock on wood. This past weekend Jeff and I went to the Shirk Center and walked two miles so I could get some exercise. I am still going to pilates once a week and enjoying that, even though it is getting much harder. I bought a pilates ball on Saturday for exercise purposes both before and after the birth. The pilates ball will also come in handy during labor, allowing me to lie down on it so that Jeff can massage my back and anything else that is aching. I should mention that I already used it for that purpose last night, and it was great! I will try and keep all the massaging to a minimum prior to labor because I think Jeff will be doing plenty of that then. Jeff is still being a wonderful supporter, husband, and birthing coach. He is already practicing keeping me calm for labor by not freaking out now whenever I freak out about any wierd ache or pain. He is very good at reading me and my emotions ( a little too good at times), so I think that will really help during labor when I need him to take care of me and know what I need even if I am not able to communicate it. Time is still flying by, and we can't wait for her to get here! Jeff has so many plans for her, inlcuding things that we will not be able to do with her until she is quite a bit older, but it is fun to think about the future. She is going to be a total daddy's girl and she will have him wrapped around her finger. He is already totally in love with her, and she isn't even here yet!
We have some fun sonogram pictures to show to everyone, including the one of her blowing a kiss, which Jeff would rather not share because he swears he can make out a moustache and buck teeth. I guess we'll find out in two months!

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