Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Birthing Class the Natural Way

Last night Jeff and I had our first birthing class experience with our very funny and experienced instructor, Jennifer Maloy. Jennifer is a private instructor who will be coming to our house once a week for six sessions to teach us about the exciting endeavor of birthing a child the natural way. She is a licensed instructor with major first hand experience. She has birthed 4 children of her own and experienced labor in all different forms. With her first child, she did it the "all American way," as she describes it...with an epidural. Her second child was a natural birth, which she prepared for with yoga and lots of exercise. Her final two children were delivered safely in the comfort of her own home! Our first session was an introduction that focused on healthy eating, specific exercises that she wants me to do each day, and terms and definitions. We really liked how honest yet comforting and excited she is about labor. It was so nice to have her all to ourselves so that we could ask lots of questions and really find out what we wanted to know. Doctors are so into their routine sometimes that they don't always stop to explain things and don't realize that you, as the patient, don't know what is going on. So having Jennifer a phone call away is very reassuring. In our future sessions we will continue to learn about the labor process, obviously, but she will also work with us on massage, breathing, emotional and mental satibility, visualizations, drug options in case I do decide I want them, and c-sections. I know that there is really no way to be prepared for the pain that will come with labor, but I know that if I stick to her regimen and have great coaching support from Jeff, I will try my best to get through it. The best way she could describe labor for me was in terms of track...or a marathon. In the beginning, there is excitement and adrenalin keeping you going and pushing you through. Then you move to endurance and strength. After that you are tired and begin to lose the feeling in your legs (it is at this point that people give up if they aren't mentally prepared). However, if you have heart and mental strength you can make it to the finish line. So, although I cannot visualize labor like I did my races prior to those events, I hope that if I am mentally strong and able to keep my cool, I will be able to a make it to the finish line on heart alone.

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