Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

As you can tell, the playhouse and new basement were a huge hit. From Santa, Ella received 150+ balls, as they are her toy and word of choice. Lily received her pink kitchen and has been cooking up a storm ever since. We were very thankful to be able to spend time with so many family members over the Christmas weekend. We look forward to many more fun Christmases to come!

Over the holiday break, Lily was happy to have some snow to shovel and Ella was happy to help her get all zipped up!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Holiday Make-over

This was Jeff major project to end out 2009. We cleaned up the basement with new carpet, fresh coats of paint, and a special addition of a dad-made playhouse. We finished up the playhouse promptly at 3:30 a.m. Christmas morning. The girls love it and so do we!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

New Tradition

Mimi invited us along with Lily's other Grandma and her Great-Grandma to attend a very fun and special luncheon at the country club geared towards kids. Besides being a little scared of the Grinch, everyone had a really great time. When we first arrived the kids sat for a fun show put on by none other than the Grinch himself and the Mayor of Whoville. Lily loved being around all the kids and set aside her initial fear of the Grinch to enjoy the show. After the show we had a kids dream buffet of everything from hot dogs, pizza, and mac and cheese to cheese quesadillas. Don't worry--there was fruit and salad as well--but I think that was quickly passed by for the candy table and sundae bar. I think I was more in heaven than my children! After lunch we got in a long line to see none other than the big man himself. Lily was so patient and both girls hung in there long enough to get to see him up close. We all had such a wonderful time that it is now going to be an annual event. I can't wait until next year! :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sister Act

Now that B. Ella is walking, this dynamic duo has become even closer. Ella wants to do everything her big sister does and she is very determined to keep up!

Friday, November 27, 2009

So Thankful

This year we have so many things to be thankful for, I don't even know where to begin. We are so thankful for our silly, healthy little girls. They have filled our lives with so much joy and laughter. There is nothing better than waking up to their smiling, energetic faces and warm kisses each morning--especially if the first of those kisses comes later than 6:30 a.m.

And while we're extremely thankful for all the good things in our lives, our girls are already looking past Thanksgiving to Christmas. In response to their enthusiasm, we took the opportunity this weekend to put up and decorate our tree, as well as make a few Christmas cookies. Well, maybe they really are Thanksgiving cookies--because they're definitely not going to make it to Christmas!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Daddy's Girls

When mom is away, oh how they play. On this day, when I was out for a run, daddy took out the camera and got some pics of his girls supporting his team.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Little Miss Pigtails

Lily is quickly approaching three years old and I can't believe it! We have embraced the mullet and let her hair grow out a little so she can wear it in a slightly more girlish manner. Lily loves her pigtails and really does not like it when people try to mess with them. She covers them and says, "Don't touch my tails." :) She is definitely pretty girly. She loves shoes and having her nails painted, and as a result of her Halloween face paint, she now loves makeup too. In addition to her growing up too fast, we have been attending weekly mom and tot gymnastics classes that have been a lot of fun. Her favorite thing to do is jump on the trampoline. I wouldn't be surprised if Santa brings something for her to jump on for Christmas. She is liking gymnastics so much, she comes home and works on it with Baby Ella. She has taught Baby Ella (all by herself) how to do the butterfly sit, and as a family we have practiced forward rolls over and over and over again. Ella can't get enough of forward rolling!

Lily's favorites:
Running, racing, chasing
Playing with her daddy
B. Ella
Animals and Dinosaurs
MILK (she loves her diary)

Sunday, November 01, 2009


We celebrated another fun Halloween at Emily's house with the family. Lily went as a mermaid and Ella a little pink fish. I had so much fun working with my mom designing and creating Ella bella's costume this year. Lily's we actually bought and then embellished with lots of "sparklies". I am already looking forward to spending time with my mom next year making some more fun costumes. Lily and Ella are already looking forward to the candy.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Last but Not Least

This past weekend was Homecoming at Illinois Wesleyan, so the whole family spent some quality time on campus. While we enjoyed taking part in a number of events, the 5k run in honor of Ryan Beaupre '95 was undoubtedly the highlight. Katie continued her dominance in the "Used To Be An Awesome Sprinter but Then Retired and Was An Awful Sissy at Distance but Returned After Childbirth to Regain Her Old Form and Kick Butt in Distance Running" category. I don't know how many women are even in that category, but Katie was first to the finish among all women to compete in the Homecoming 5k, regardless. And she was probably about the 8th finisher overall. In addition, Lily participated in the Kids Fun Run just prior to Katie's race, so Katie's parents came out to show support for both their daughter and granddaughter. At one point, as Katie's mom and I were cheering for her to finish the race strong, we looked at each other and commented on how it seemed like just yesterday that we were doing the very same thing for Katie as a member of Wesleyan's track team.

And while Katie's heroics continue to impress, her daughter's finish was perhaps even more memorable. Lily was among the youngest runners in the field on Saturday, and I'm not sure she understood the purpose of the event. Nonetheless, she lined up happily, ready to "run with kids." Luckily, her friends Aiden and Alayna Geraty were right there beside her....well, Aiden started there, anyway. Aiden is a miniature form of his dad, which means he had the Eye of the Tiger and quickly left the girls in his wake. Alayna, however, was kind enough to share Lily's pace for the duration. In fairness, Alayna ran the whole way, while Lily made multiple (successful) requests to be carried by her dad. As the girls neared the finish, I put Lily back down on the track and we did what we could to persuade her to finish strong. And while that resulted in two or three slightly more enthusiastic steps, her indifference quickly took hold once again...or at least it did until she heard and saw the crowd that was awaiting her arrival. Since everyone else was now finished and just watching Lily and Alayna, they had little choice but to cheer the final two contestants to the finish...a fact that Lily relished. As soon as Lily and Alayna came within about 15 meters of the finish, a roar went up among the crowd that apparently lifted Lily's spirits because she grinned from ear to ear and waved to her adoring fans, all the while running to finish the race. Alayna was much more reserved and completed her race as a runner should, head down and pumping those little legs...but I won't address that yet with our little track star. At this point in her fledgling athletic career (and based on what I saw during the race), she's going to need all the encouragement she can get. Lily, you never stop making us laugh.

And congrats to Brooke, Ciarra, and Laine for running a great race, too!