Baby #2 is looking great and healthy. We went in for my 18-week sono last week and got to see the little one moving around. Everything was in working order, and I am still on target for my due date in September. My belly is definitely starting to protrude, and my belly button has popped out. I would say that at 20 weeks with Lily I was definitely not this much out there. I am feeling good and my appetite has strongly increased. Baby is kicking all the time, much like his/her sister did, and Jeff was able to feel some little kicks a few weeks ago.
This past weekend we purchased a trailer to attach to the back of Jeff's bike so the family could enjoy some bike rides in this nice weather. Lily seemed to enjoy the ride and even fell asleep.
Lily is really starting to seem like a toddler these days. She "talks" non-stop and seems to learn something new everyday. She has a lot of personality and really enjoys hamming it up for everyone. She loves to listen to music and dance, can't wait to dip anything (mostly her hands) in ketchup, and loves doing anything that might wear her parents out. She goes down for bed so well now and typically sleeps through night and wakes up happy as can be. We are so lucky to have such an easy going kid. Hopefully, the introduction of the new little one won't change her good natured behavior too much :)
Oh, yeah, by the way did I mention we are having another girl?