Thursday, December 04, 2008

Giggles and Grins

Ella Kathryn is now three months old and has already changed so much from her newborn pictures. She is all giggles and grins these days. She loves to smile and laugh at her dad. She will spot him from way across the room and flash him her darling smile. He, of course, can never resist and goes over to talk to her about her day. She coos, babbles, and screeches back at him. She especially loves to have little chats with him in the evening after her big sister goes to bed. She is still really easy going and happy almost all of the time. Thankfully, Lily is still loving being a big sister and is starting to really enjoy listening to Ella babble back at her. Lily gives her lots of hugs, kisses, high fives, and fist pounds (knuckles) throughout the day. I can't wait to see how the girls get along as Ella can start to interact more with Lily.

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